Community resources

The Learning Resource Centre has pulled together a list of community resources to support you in your student life and with your studies.  Be sure to connect with the organizations directly as information is subject to change. 

Housing resources

On-campus housing is available at the Terrace campus.  If you are looking to find your own accommodation in your local community, visit our living off campus page for links and resources.

Food resources

Daily food resources are available in all of our local communities.  See the following list of organizations and resources:

Food resources

  • Daily Food Resources - Terrace

  • Daily food Resources - Hazelton

Mental health and substance use supports

Coast Mountain College offers free, confidential counselling services to all students who need support. Visit our counselling page to learn about the Here2Talk program.

Additionally, there are a number of counselling services offered in the community.  Learner Services has compiled a list of resources available in Terrace.  Please inquire with the organizations directly for current information.


Mental health resources - Terrace

Prince Rupert

Mental health resources - Prince Rupert

Haida Gwaii

Mental health resources - Haida Gwaii


Mental health resources - Hazelton

  • Mental health and substance use resources - General

  • Substance Use Support Resources - General

  • Help For Addictions - Other

  • 12 Step Programs

  • Wellness Centres

Computer literacy resources

Please find below local resources to help you find computer literacy support. Please inquire with the organizations for more current information.

Computer literacy resources - General