Responsibility for Completing a PIA
The privacy officer works with the department responsible for the initiative, system, or program to draft the PIA. Technology-based initiatives may also require the involvement of the IT Services Department. When this is the case, the privacy officer can help coordinate the involvement.
To complete a PIA, you will need to know the following information about the initiative:
- the type of personal information that is being collected
- the way in which personal information is being collected
- where the personal information is being stored
- the way in which personal information is being used
- persons or entities with whom the personal information is being shared
- safeguards that are in place to ensure the protection of personal information
- the privacy risks and mitigation strategies.
Consequences of Not Completing a PIA
A PIA is a legal requirement of FOIPPA and not completing one may result in non-compliance with provincial legislation, CMTN policies and standards, and other legal and regulatory requirements. A PIA helps identify and build privacy and security requirements in advance of a launch, thereby helping projects minimize potential privacy or security breaches.
Questions about PIAs
If you are planning a new initiative, or have questions regarding the completion of a privacy impact assessment, please contact Aman Kang, the privacy officer at