We are part of British Columbia's public post-secondary education system governed by the College and Institute Act.
Board of Governors
The Coast Mountain College Board of Governors, working in concert with the College's Education Council, and according to provincial legislation, represents the people of the northwest region in determining appropriate organizational performance.
The Board approaches its task in a manner which emphasizes strategic leadership more than administrative detail, clear distinction of Board and staff roles, future rather than past or present, and proactivity.
The Board Resourcing and Development Office (BRDO) is responsible for establishing guidelines for appointments and monitoring the process. The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills recommends the appointment of a candidate to the Lieutenant Governor in Council. For information on how to apply for a Board position see the Board Resourcing and Development Office.
Find out how to become involved in the Board of Governors as an elected student representative.
Learn more
To invite the Board to events, contact:
Aman Kang
Acting Director, President's Office
Please address requests for an event speaker to the Board Chair, who will officiate or designate an alternate.