Formal Complaint

This form is for the purposes of submitting a formal complaint related to Sexual Violence and Misconduct. Please be sure to review the EDU-007 (Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy) and EDU-007P (Sexual Violence and Misconduct Response Procedure) prior to proceeding.

Note: This form is not to be used in an emergency or during events presenting an immediate threat to the health and safety of yourself or any College member. If you require emergency assistance, please call 911.


This form is for the submission of a formal complaint regarding the following: 

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination

Sexual Violence or Misconduct

The information provided here will be used for the purposes of a review to determine whether Coast Mountain College will proceed with an investigation under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy OR the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy, OR any other College policy, as applicable.

CMTN is committed to confidentiality in accordance with privacy legislation. Confidentiality must be distinguished from anonymity.

If a Complainant wishes to proceed with Formal Mediation or Formal Investigation, the Respondent must be made aware of the nature of the complaint, including the identity of the Complainant.

Contact Information of Complainant

Application of Policy

Select a choice

Contact Information of Respondent(s)

Details of Incident

Please describe, in as much detail as possible, the incident(s), including:

  • the names of the parties involved
  • the names of any witnesses to the incident(s)
  • the location (physical location or digital), date, and time of the incident(s)
  • details about the incident(s) (behaviour and/or words used)
  • any additional details that would help with an investigation.
Attach any supporting documents, such as emails, handwritten notes, screenshots of online activity or photographs. 

Attach relevant documents here

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Consent to Review Complaint

By checking the box below, the Complainant is agreeing to the following:

  1. I am submitting a complaint to Coast Mountain College under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy OR the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy.
  2. The information I provide will be used for the purposes of a review to determine whether Coast Mountain College will proceed with an investigation under the Harassment and Discrimination Policy OR the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy, OR any other College policy, as applicable.
Select a choice


CMTN recognizes that sometimes survivors do not wish to make a report to police or participate in an investigation with their post-secondary institution.

If you would prefer to make an anonymous report to share an experience and have that experience acknowledged, without initiating an investigation, please click here.