Methods of evaluation include tests, participation in class discussions, performance in seminar presentations, performance during professional practical, demonstration of practical skill requirements, laboratory assignments and examinations, open book or take-home examinations and final examinations.
Instructors provide written course outlines at the start of the course that will include description of how your final grade will be determined. This description will include which methods will be used, a general description of how each requirement will be evaluated, the weight given to each in the calculation of the final grade, penalties for the late submission of work and any special regulations about laboratory or term assignments and essays.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand the grading criteria for each course in which you are registered. Lack of familiarity with how a course final grade is calculated is not a sufficient reason for appeal of a grade.
It is generally recognized that continuous evaluation is an important part of the learning process; however, final examinations are required in some courses. The grading criteria distributed for each course at the start of the semester will indicate if a final exam is required. If a course you are taking has a final exam it will not count for more than 50% of your final grade.
In courses that have a scheduled exam period, a schedule of examinations will be available at least four weeks before the start of examinations. If you are unable to write an examination you must follow the steps described in the Academic Integrity & Appeals policy [PDF] and procedure [PDF].
Grading scale
Final grades are generally reported using letter grades. Each letter has a numerical equivalent that is used to calculate a student's grade point average (GPA). Letter grades and numerical equivalents are:
Letter Grade and Point Scale:
Letter Grade
Letter Grade
Grade Point
Grade Point
Academic Standing
Academic Standing
Letter Grade
| 95-100 |
Grade Point
| 4.33 |
Academic Standing
| Outstanding Achievement
Letter Grade
| A |
| 90-94 |
Grade Point
| 4.00 |
Academic Standing
| Outstanding Achievement |
Letter Grade
| A- |
| 85-89 |
Grade Point
| 3.67 |
Academic Standing
| Outstanding Achievement |
Letter Grade
| B+ |
| 80-84 |
Grade Point
| 3.33 |
Academic Standing
| Above Average Achievement |
Letter Grade
| B |
| 75-79 |
Grade Point
| 3.00 |
Academic Standing
| Above Average Achievement |
Letter Grade
| B- |
| 70-74 |
Grade Point
| 2.67 |
Academic Standing
| Above Average Achievement
Letter Grade
| C+ |
| 65-69 |
Grade Point
| 2.33 |
Academic Standing
| Average Achievement
Letter Grade
| C |
| 60-64 |
Grade Point
| 2.00 |
Academic Standing
| Average Achievement |
Letter Grade
| C- |
| 55-59 |
Grade Point
| 1.67 |
Academic Standing
| Average Achievement
Letter Grade
| P |
| 50-54 |
Grade Point
| 1.00 |
Academic Standing
| Marginal Achievement |
Letter Grade
| F |
| 0-49 |
Grade Point
| 0.00 |
Academic Standing
| Failure |
Letter Grade
Grade Point
Academic Standing
95-100 |
4.33 |
Outstanding Achievement
A |
90-94 |
4.00 |
Outstanding Achievement |
A- |
85-89 |
3.67 |
Outstanding Achievement |
B+ |
80-84 |
3.33 |
Above Average Achievement |
B |
75-79 |
3.00 |
Above Average Achievement |
B- |
70-74 |
2.67 |
Above Average Achievement
C+ |
65-69 |
2.33 |
Average Achievement
C |
60-64 |
2.00 |
Average Achievement |
C- |
55-59 |
1.67 |
Average Achievement
P |
50-54 |
1.00 |
Marginal Achievement |
F |
0-49 |
0.00 |
Failure |
Percentage Grade Scale:
Percentage Range
Vocational Academic Standing
Developmental Academic Standing
Outstanding Achievement |
Outstanding Achievement |
90-94 |
Outstanding Achievement |
Outstanding Achievement |
85-89 |
Above Average Achievement |
Above Average Achievement
80-84 |
Average Achievement
Average Achievement
75-79 |
Average Achievement
Average Achievement
70-74 |
Marginal Achievement
Satisfactory Achievement |
50-69 |
Marginal Achievement
0-49 |
Failure |
Letter Codes:
Letter Code
Credit granted in extenuating circumstances where 70% of the course was successfully completed |
Faculty recommendation to Registrar |
Registered without evaluation of learning |
Registrar |
Course in progress
Registrar |
EC |
Earned credit from courses completed at CMTN
Registrar |
I |
NC |
Credit not granted |
Faculty |
NG |
No grade assigned
Registrar |
PC |
Partial completion in a continuous entry/ exit program or specialized education program |
Faculty |
Credit granted through assessment of prior learning
SC |
Course registration status change
Transfer Credit |
Registrar |
W |
Official Withdrawal |
Registrar |
Required to Withdraw due to non-academic misconduct, academic misconduct, or academic standing |
President, Dean, or Registrar |
Calculating grade points and grade point average
The grade point for a course is calculated by multiplying the numerical equivalent of the letter grade obtained in the course and the course credit hours. A course which had three credit hours and in which a student obtained a B- would therefore have a grade point of 3 x 2.67 = 8.01.
A student's grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points he/she has earned by the total number of credits he/she has accumulated.
Honours standing
Honours standing will be recognized on transcripts based on GPA.
- Honours standing will be recognized on issuance of a Certificate, Diploma or Associate Degree.
- Minimum GPA for honour's standing is 3.67 or an average equivalent to an 'A-'
- Honour's standing will be granted to students in vocational programs who have an average final grade of 90% or greater
- GPA will be based on all courses used to complete the Certificate, Diploma or Associate Degree.
- Transfer courses will be calculated on grade received from the sending institution.
Note: Students intending to transfer to another post-secondary institution should be aware that the institution may have different letter grade and grade point interpretations than CMTN. Students should therefore consult with the other post-secondary institution to determine the particular institution's interpretation of grades transferred.
Incomplete grades
An incomplete grade indicates some required course work was not completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen but justifiable reasons and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. It is the student's responsibility to discuss the situation with his/her instructor.
The student and instructor must develop a plan to satisfy the remaining course requirements within a reasonable period of time. An incomplete grade will change to an 'F' if the required work is not completed within the time period agreed upon or, if not date specified, within one year of the last day of the course.
A grade of 'W' indicates the student officially withdrew from the course and/or program and does not affect his/her standing at the College. For most weekly billed-continuous intake programs a student may withdraw at any time. Fees are charged only until the week of the date of withdrawal. Credit-billed and weekly billed-fixed intake programs have a specified date after which withdrawals are allowed only in exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the instructor. Non-attendance by itself is not considered to be a withdrawal and the instructor may assign a grade of 'F' to those who do not formally withdraw.
To withdraw from a course or program the student must complete the appropriate forms at the Registration Office of your local campus.
Note: Before withdrawing from a course, recipients of student aid through the BC Student Assistance Program should check whether their eligibility for aid would be affected