Frequently asked questions

Research help

Research help

Library and Coast Mountain College ID cards

Library and Coast Mountain College ID cards

  • How do I get a Coast Mountain College ID card?

  • I lost my ID card. Is there a replacement fee?

  • How do I renew my expired ID card?

  • How do I get a library card?

  • Can I get a library card if I'm not a student or employee of Coast Mountain College?

  • I lost my library card. Is there a replacement fee?

Borrowing and renewals

Borrowing and renewals

Database access

Database access

Finding books

Finding books

Finding articles

Finding articles

Plagiarism, sources and copyright

Food in the library

Food in the library

Computers, photocopiers, printers

Computers, photocopiers, printers

Study rooms

Study rooms

  • Does the library have study rooms?

Donating to the Library

Donating to the Library

  • Does the library accept donations?

  • Can I get a tax receipt for my donation?

Do you have a question we haven't answered here? Please ask us.