Cards are free. Visit your campus library. Remote students can request a card by phone 1.877.277.2288 or e-mail. If you get a Coast Mountain College ID card, it will be your library card also.
To provide our borrowers with circulation services, Coast Mountain College library obtains and stores borrower's information (i.e. name, home address, phone number, and email address) in its Integrated Library System. This system is located in Montreal. Personal information is collected under the legal authority of the College and Institute Act section 41.1(2)(a) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act section 26. This information is used by the library only and is used for borrowing, placing holds, renewing library material and notifying borrowers when items are due or ready to be picked up. For questions and additional information contact Michele Cook, Coordinator, Library Services (1.877.277.2288 or