Student testimonials
This is your adventurous pathway.

It’s much different than any college I’ve been to. You actually can talk to your teachers. And because the community is so small, everybody knows everybody, so it has a family feel, even on campus.
Student SpotlightDe'Anndra SandsUniversity Transfer student from Freeport, Bahamas
I chose to study Applied Coastal Ecology because I wanted to get to know and work in the local area. Getting out into the field is awesome and a lot of fun so I found that it is a good program for me. Practicing what you're learning about is amazing and it really makes me feel ready to hit the workforce when I graduate.
Leah NaglisApplied Coastal Ecology student

When I have class time in the outdoors I feel really comfortable and at home. I would recommend this program to anyone who's interested. It's a lot of time outside, learning things about this area in particular. You're doing real field-work and things that would be entirely transferable to a job site. It's pretty invaluable.
Wolfgang ProtznerUniversity Transfer student
The classes are small and it almost feels like you are personally tutored here. We practice our recipe skills and get a handle on our execution and timing. I think that anyone who takes this program will pretty much be able to step out on their own at an entry-level position in a restaurant.
Kalen Snipper-HigsonProfessional Cook Level 2 student

I have learned from some amazing artists and mentors and I have been influenced by the style by which they carve. We had guest speakers in the class often, which actually led to a job for me. I plan to start my apprenticeship with a carver who visited the class.
Sage NowakFirst Nations Fine Arts Graduate, Tahltan-Vuntut Gwitchin Nation
I am a big fan of experiential learning and I think that anybody can take something out of it. I’m going into the education program and the field schools offered at this college are something I would like to do with my future students.
Marie BlouinUniversity Credit Graduate

The instructors at Coast Mountain College are amazing and the class size allows for more one on one attention. I have been able to take University Credit courses while upgrading to obtain my Adult Dogwood Diploma and that has opened the doors to wanting more.
Lisa StewartCCP & University Credit Graduate