
When you give to the CMTN Foundation, we can provide more financial opportunities for students to receive a quality education. Your investment in Coast Mountain College allows you to participate in something you believe in. A donation to the CMTN Foundation can make a difference to a student or to a department that will help our students succeed. You leave a legacy for others to follow.

Going to school after high school can be costly:

From Stats Canada

"In 2022/2023, graduate students in British Columbia will pay $9,994, representing 34.4% more than the Canadian average, respectively."

Charitable tax benefits

You can calculate the benefits of making a donation by using the charitable donation tax credit calculator provided by the Canada Revenue Agency. You may also be eligible for the first-time donor’s super credit which supplements the value of the charitable donations tax credit by 25%.

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Photo: Terrace Hospital Auxiliary President Larisa Tarwick, and Treasurer Amanda Checkly.

The new Terrace Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship was made possible by a generous $6,000 donation from the Terrace Hospital Auxiliary awarded as four $1,500 scholarships. The recipients are local Terrace area students who achieved top marks in their first year of nursing.

We are thrilled to share that the Terrace Hospital Auxiliary has committed to supporting this award annually for second-year nursing students. By shopping at the hospital gift store or the Terrace Auxiliary Thrift Store, you’re directly helping support these students, as well as contributing to the Auxiliary's ongoing work, which includes funding essential new medical equipment.

A Hugon sized

"I’ve met so many awesome people who have changed my life and made me the better person I am today. This education award will help me be successful in my career by providing funds for gas, groceries, and clothing for my next project in life. I am grateful to be able to attend Coast Mountain College with so many supportive staff."

Elizabeth Dennis | West Coast Culinary Diploma