
An opportunity to learn outside, improve field research skills, and experience the culture and environment that makes our region unique.

If you are interested in the outdoors, field research, and environmental stewardship, then this field school is for you. You will work with a team of students, instructors, and members of the Kitsumkalum Band to assess ecological diversity, the effects of disturbance, land use issues and ecosystem management.  A portion of the field school will be spent collecting and analyzing data and working in a field classroom and lab at Pine Lake.

Courses | 6 credits:

This field school combines Biology of Plants and Environments and Society in an intensive, interdisciplinary field school with a spatial focus on the Kitsumkalum watershed.

Admission requirements

Dates and locations

Check back for an upcoming schedule of dates and locations. 

  • Terrace campus
  • Kitsumkalum watershed

Photo gallery