Terrace, BC -- Two Coast Mountain College (CMTN) Career and College Preparation (CCP) classes went to see the recently rematriated Nisga'a totem pole at the Nisga'a Museum in Laxgalts'ap. The students were on a field trip that marked the completion of weeks of study on rematriation/repatriation efforts by local First Nations. The rematriation occurred September 22, 2023, almost 100 years after the pole was taken from the Nisga’a Nation without consent in 1929 and sold to Scotland’s National Museum [see more].
In the weeks leading up to the trip, students in the CCP class discussed, read, and wrote articles exploring rematriation/repatriation efforts by different First Nations in the CMTN region. The class visit to the Nisga’a Museum marked the completion of the unit.
“It was a very enriching experience for students to bring their questions,” says Melanie Pollard, CCP instructor. “The day was an opportunity for students to bring learning to life, but also helped build community in the class.”
Pollard says that a highlight for some of her students was getting to visit the Nass Valley (approximately an hour and a half North of campus) for the first time. After the museum visit, the classes spent time exploring the many stops along the highway before returning to campus.
Kat Letawski, a student in the class, shares her favourite part of the trip to the Nisga’a Museum:
“The highlight/takeaway of my day was getting to speak to our tour guide, Kaitlyn, on the topics of repatriation/rematriation and why it was important to her. Seeing and hearing her passion and drive made the lessons real. It brought everything on paper into an experience being had, by myself and others. Seeing other classmates develop empathy for concerns they may not have previously understood was also incredibly enlightening.”