Terrace, BC -- The Terrace Auto Dealers Association has renewed its support for students at Coast Mountain College with a donation of $15,000 to be distributed over three years. Funds are being matched by the New Car Dealers Foundation of BC and the CMTN Foundation, resulting in $45,000 in awards for students in the Automotive Foundations, Automotive Apprentices, and Business Administration programs.
“We are all happy to be supportive of our community and our industry. Our goal is to help those wishing to pursue a trade in the automotive field and support students in our community,” says Jeanna Giles, representative for Terrace Auto Dealers Association.
Each year the Terrace Auto Dealers Association and New Car Dealers Foundation of BC Award includes two $1,500 awards for automotive foundation students, one $1,000 award for an automotive apprentice, and one $1,000 award for a business administration student.
The New Car Dealers Foundation of BC and Terrace Auto Dealers Endowment Award, which will go on in perpetuity, provides two $400 awards with preference given to automotive foundations and automotive apprentices, then business students.
Coast Mountain College is currently running an Automotive Foundations Program and an Apprentice Automotive Technician Level One Program. Level Three will be offered in April 2024.
The CMTN Foundation is a registered charity created for the purpose of relieving financial barriers for students at Coast Mountain College.
“We are working to build a bridge for students, making education close to home a reality. We hold the belief that those educated in the North are more likely to stay in the North,” says Yvonne Koerner, Executive Director CMTN Foundation and Executive Education.
Media Contact:
Yvonne Koerner
Executive Director, CMTN Foundation & Executive Education