Events calendar

CMTN Foundation | 2023 Golf Scramble & Fundraiser

Friday, May 5, 2023

Skeena Valley Golf & Country Club 

Please join us for the annual Golf Scramble and Fundraiser on May 5 at the Skeena Valley Golf & Country Club! 

The money raised from this annual event supports student success by providing financial aid for scholarships, awards, and bursaries.

In 2022, the CMTN Foundation’s Terrace Golf Scramble raised over $34,000 for our students!

$100 per person, includes dinner and 9 holes of golf 

$350 per team of 4 

$500 per hole sponsor 

If you wish to participate, please send the completed form below to Renee Jordan at 

Golf Scramble Sponsorship Letter [PDF] 

Thank you for supporting our students - together we are making a difference!

May 05, 2023
Starts at:01:00 PM

Ends at: 07:30 PM