CMTN Fitness Centre

Terrace campus now offers a fresh, bright and new fitness facility for staff and students of Coast Mountain College.

Located in Waap Amgam (House of Cedar) with floor to ceiling windows and a world-class view of surrounding mountain vistas, the CMTN Fitness Centre is a great place to work out. Change rooms are equipped with showers and lockers and are located in the restrooms across from the entrance.

Students and staff with membership access may use this facility during operating hours. Use your ID card to access and be sure to review the Fitness Centre rules and etiquette.

Hours of operation 

 Monday to Sunday 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Membership access 

The Fitness Centre is open to students and staff of Coast Mountain College. Membership is required to access the facility.  

Student and staff membership applications and waivers can be completed and dropped off at the front desk of Wii Gyemsiga Siwilaawksat (Student Housing), or emailed to our Housing and Wellness Officer at

Once approved you will have access to the facility using your ID card. 

Gym  Free $30.00/month*
Classes TBA TBA

Staff passes can be purchased at the Campus Store

Gym amenities

 Treadmills Free 24/7 Internet
 Steppers Wi-Fi
 Rowers Free parking
 Ellipticals Night security
 Free weights 


Other services include healthy eating classes, running clinics and protein shakes and healthy alternatives available at the Cedar Café.

Equipment cleaning

You are required to clean your equipment before and after use before returning to racks, shelves etc., including cardio equipment, benches and functional trainers.

If this practice is not adhered to, privileges may be revoked without a refund. It is everyone's responsibility to keep our facility clean and safe for all users. 

Fitness classes

Fitness classes will resume in the yoga studio when space permits. 


All concerns and information can be addressed by emailing:

Partners in wellness

Coast Mountain College would like to expand its opportunities for wellness activities and education on campus.  Learn more by visiting our partners in wellness page and connect with us if this sounds like you.

Photo gallery

Fitness Centre 4 Fitness Centre 5 Fitness Centre 2 Fitness Centre 6 Fitness Centre 3

Safety protocols 

Face coverings

Masks are no longer mandatory in indoor spaces but are still welcome. We recognize that the comfort levels of individuals may vary with respect to the lifting of these restrictions.  Be kind and respectful to all staff, students and faculty or your privileges may be revoked. 

Daily health-check

Individuals using the Wellness Centre are encouraged to complete a daily health check before using the facility.

Additional requirements

Fitness Centre rules & etiquette

  • Use this facility and equipment at your own risk. 
  • Users aged 15 - 17 must be accompanied by an adult 18+.
  • No food or drink, except for water.
  • No glass bottles. 
  • No horseplay, rude behaviour.
  • DO NOT take photos or film others without their permission.
  • No loud music, please use your headphones.
  • Please return equipment and wipe down after use.
  • Lockers are in nearby washrooms. CMTN is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Violation of Fitness Centre rules may result in access and privileges being revoked.