The Criminal Justice Field School combines two courses, Introduction to the Criminal Justice System and Forensic Psychology, in a compressed, 3-week format.
Explore the criminal justice system, and investigate, evaluate, and apply psychological and sociological research to areas such as lie detection, police interrogations, criminal profiling, racial profiling, murdered/missing Indigenous women/girls, wrongful convictions, and mental health and the criminal justice system.
This years Criminal Justice Field School participants will meet a variety of members of the criminal justice system, stage and collect evidence at a crime scene, and participate in a mock trial at the local (Terrace) Courthouse with actual working members of the court (i.e., a provincial court judge, Crown prosecutor and defense counsel).
Courses | 6 credits
- CRIM 131 - Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
- PSYC 240 - Forensic Psychology
In some cases, pre-requisites may be waived. POI form is required for all applicants.
Seats are limited.
Register now!
May 9 to May 23, and June 6 to June 20, 2025
Includes some weekend hours
| International
Field trip fee | $500.00 | $500.00 |
CRIM 131 | $338.67 | $1,361.37 |
PSYC 240 | $338.67 | $1,361.37 |
Student Union fees | $54.64 | $54.64 |
Total | $1,231.98 | $3,277.38 |
Non-refundable deposit due at registration: $200.00
Full tuition is due by April 25, 2025 (10 business days before start date of first offering).