Events calendar

Lateral Kindness Workshop | Terrace Campus

Waap G̱alts’ap, Terrace Campus

Presenter Annita McPhee will provide an overview of the root causes of Lateral Violence such as connections to impacts from colonization (residential school, 60’s scoop, dispossession of lands, etc.) and connection to inter-generational trauma. Participants will engage in a personal journey where they are encouraged to explore healthy communication, lateral violent behaviours, and how they have been impacted. All students and staff are welcome to attend. Coffee, snacks, and lunch will be included. Please plan to attend the whole workshop, as coming and going is disruptive to other participants.

Friday, September 27
from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
in Waap G̱alts’ap


Organized by the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art