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Notice of By-Election for Education Council & First Nations Council

All campuses

Nominations open for student seats on the Education Council, Board of Governors, and First Nations Council. Submit nominations by September 21, 2023.

Education Council call for student nominations

The ‘Council’ sets educational policies and curriculum at Coast Mountain College. The Council also advises the Board of Governors on many other matters important to the College. This includes criteria for awarding of certificates, diplomas, and degrees. There are two (2) student positions on Education Council. The Council is also informed by the College and Institutes Act of British Columbia.  (College and Institute Act)

First Nations Council call for student nomination

The First Nations Council's focus is to develop policy recommendations based upon the educational issues and strategies of First Nations Communities to increase student success rates in the Coast Mountain College region. First Nations Council policy recommendations will focus on student advocacy, program promotion, curriculum design, cultural issues and content, program and education service evaluation and will assist Coast Mountain College in improving its relationships with First Nations communities.

EdCo & FNC Notice of By-Election

Term of office: 1-year term from November 2023 to August 2024

Election schedule

Notice of By-Election

October 23, 2023

Close of nominations

November 3, 2023

Qualified nominees will be notified by the Registrar following the close of nominations and prior to the Campaign period*

Campaign period

November 14-November 20, 2023

Election day

November 21, 2023

Polling will be held electronically through Election Buddy.

Election result announcement November 23, 2023 Elected students will be contacted directly by the Registrar. Election results will be posted to the college website at 12pm PST.

*If at the close of the nomination period there is only one candidate per seat available, the nominated candidate will be declared elected.


  • A candidate must be a member of the Coast Mountain Students’ Union, and must be enrolled and in good standing in a credited course or program of studies at Coast Mountain College at the time the call for nominations is made. 

  • A student elected to the Education Council must remain in good standing for the period consistent with the appointment.

  • A student elected to the First Nations Council must be a self-identified indigenous student in good standing during the period consistent with the appointment and declare that they have every reason to believe they will be able to fulfill the term of office.

Further eligibility requirements for student candidates and voting for the Education Council positions:


  • Students at the Prince Rupert campus must be enrolled at their respective campus to stand for election, nominate or vote.

  • For the Regional Campus Seat, students may nominate students attending any other campuses. Students at these campuses may only vote for any of the candidates standing for election to the regional seat. 

This information has been posted by the Registrar as the Electoral Officer. If you have questions, contact:

Anuraj Bajwa |