• Solveig

Solveig Adair

College Professor
Residing campus
  • Terrace
Solveig Adair is interested in a wide range of disciplines from English to Computer Science and Microbiology to Mathematics. She has done research on subjects such as mycorrhizal fungi and identification of wood rot in lumber piles as well as a range of evolutionary, molecular, statistical, and computational work. During her Bachelor and Master of Science at the University of British Columbia, she was fortunate enough to do research and courses at SCHIRP, the University of Toronto, and Duke University in North Carolina. 

Solveig teaches a broad range of subjects in the University Credit program at Coast Mountain College. She has taught courses in Mathematics, English, Biology, Microbiology, and Computer Sciences and is excited to make connections between topics and ideas when she teaches. Solveig loves being able to help students use the experiences and knowledge that they bring to their courses to share and to help enable their growth in learning. As someone who was born and raised in Terrace, she has lived in many places and traveled to many parts of the world, but the North is the land that always feels like home. Amongst other projects, students in her classes have created IT proposals for the college, shared ways to improve the community for students who speak languages other than English, developed webpages, and developed nutritional plans for low-income families using only sales fliers from local stores.

Solveig is a professionally published poet and a member of the Writers North of 54, the League of Canadian Poets, and the Federation of BC Writers. She is also a member of the Northern Amphibian Naturalist Society and the Terrace Regional Historical Society, a bassoonist in the Terrace Symphony Orchestra and a regional judge of rabbits. She is excited to bring experiential, hands-on learning into her classes and to allow her students to relate their knowledge to the issues that affect our northern region.