Events & resources

View our upcoming Trades events calendar or watch previously recorded sessions of CMTN's Let's Talk Trades.

Upcoming events

  • Emergency Support Services (ESS) will give a presentation covering what ESS is, types of emergencies, and how to prepare a 72-hour go bag. Lunch will be provided. Seating space is limited. Students and staff are welcome.
  • Presenter Annita McPhee will provide an overview of the root causes of Lateral Violence such as connections to impacts from colonization (residential school, 60’s scoop, dispossession of lands, etc.) and connection to inter-generational trauma. Participants will engage in a personal journey where they are encouraged to explore healthy communication, lateral violent behaviours, and how they have been impacted. All students and staff are welcome to attend. Coffee, snacks, and lunch will be included. Please plan to attend the whole workshop, as coming and going is disruptive to other participants.
  • Come join us and meet our CMTN Community Elders and Knowledge Holders. Enjoy a hot lunch with peers, staff, and faculty!
  • Drop-in and chat with a First Nations Access Coordinator at your campus on the second Thursday of each month.
  • Please join us for a special Cedar Hat Weaving workshop with Val Morgan. Hat kits will be provided. Workshop sessions will be presented online via Zoom. Sign up early, as space is limited. Priority will be given to currently enrolled CMTN students.
  • Please join us for a special Cedar Hat Weaving workshop with Val Morgan. Hat kits will be provided. Workshop sessions will be presented online via Zoom. Sign up early, as space is limited. Priority will be given to currently enrolled CMTN students.
  • Come join us and meet our CMTN Community Elders and Knowledge Holders. Enjoy a hot lunch with peers, staff, and faculty!
  • Come join us and meet our CMTN Community Elders and Knowledge Holders. Enjoy a hot lunch with peers, staff, and faculty!

Let's Talk Trades

In these live recordings staff and faculty talk about the Trades programs at Coast Mountain College.

Let's Talk: Recruitment

This recorded session focused on three upcoming programs for the 2021-22 academic year:


Culinary demo

Chef Brad gives a little demo on how to sauté prawns. This is one of the many dishes that students will have the opportunity to make in the culinary programs at Coast Mountain College.

Let's Talk: Hairdressing