
CMTN Foundation Hosts Successful Giving Tuesday Campaign

Dec 09, 2022

foundation-awards-2022Terrace, BC — Thank you to everyone that generously donated to the Giving Tuesday events. 

For our “Fill the Student Food Bank” promotion, enough food was received to fill the cupboards!

We also collected $625 in cash donations which were matched by the CMTN Foundation, meaning $1,250 is available for restocking the shelves when needed.

Our “Giving Tuesday Pancake Breakfast” was a huge hit. Students received free breakfasts thanks to Student Housing and the CMTN Foundation. An additional $1,520 was raised and then matched by the Foundation. This $3,040 funds six awards for students in the Culinary program. Those students received their awards today.  

We are grateful to everyone that joined us for the event, and to Daybreak Farms Terrace who donated the eggs and Sysco Canada for their donated sausages.



Media contact

Heather Bastin

Executive Director, External Relations