Paddles and Pedagogy was an 8-day field school professional development opportunity for instructors in the form of a sea kayak learning journey in Mexico.
This learning adventure was designed for instructors to develop their understanding of the theory and practice of experiential place-based learning (EPBL). During this course we paddled, camped and had class sessions. The learning outcomes were that upon completion of this field school, instructors would be able to:
- Propose new ways to incorporate EPBL in their courses and programs.
- Design, deliver and evaluate learning in accordance with EPBL principles.
- Create a PD session to share EPBL with their clusters.
- Advocate for the increase of EPBL in all of our courses.
- Exemplify adoption of EPBL.
- Envision the lived reality of achieving our BHAG of becoming the experiential place-based learning college of choice by 2027.
We achieved these and so much more, including a re-connection with peers and to the college as well as inspiration for transformation.
One instructor’s reflections on his participation:
“Paddles and Pedagogy was legitimately a transformative experience for me as an instructor. It really brought into focus the flaws of conventional teaching practices and highlighted the advantages our college has to be trailblazers in Experiential Place Based Learning. It helped me identify the things I was already doing right but more importantly it provided tons of feedback about how I can improve the things that aren't aiding my students' learning.” Kirk Hart, Biology Instructor