This bursary is being offered thanks to generous donations from the family, friends and colleagues of Margo Van der Touw. Margo served as the Dean of Trades at Coast Mountain College (formerly Northwest Community College) and was known for her tireless work ethic and advocacy efforts for students. She was also well known throughout the region for the development of many trades programs and her memory is a testament for all college partners to work hard and support the students that we serve.
To be eligible a student must:
- Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee, and BC resident;
- Be enrolled in the First Nations Fine Arts program or a Trades program;
- Be a mature student (19 years of age and older);
- Be a single parent;
- Demonstrate financial need;
- Receive recommendation from an instructor in support of their demonstrated work ethic;
- Submit a letter about how the award will help their education.
General Awards Application - Printable Version [PDF]