Ivar Hernes Memorial Award




Ivar Hernes was born in Lillehammer, Norway in 1944.  He grew up on the family farm, served in the Norwegian Army and then became a carpenter.  In the 1960’s Ivar emigrated to Canada.  He worked as a carpenter on the hospitals and schools in Terrace and Kitimat and on industrial projects including Alcan, Eurocan and Methanex.  He also worked in Kitsault and at the port on Ridley Island in Prince Rupert.

Ivar met his wife, Mary, in Terrace where they had five children and he built their family home.  To be closer to the family, Ivar became a carpentry instructor at Northwest Community College (now Coast Mountain College) and he dedicated over 17 years of service to students.  Ivar empathized with those who struggled to achieve and he often stayed after hours to help them with projects and course theory.  Students benefited from his years of experience on construction worksites.  Ivar was loved and valued for his integrity, hard work, consideration of others and treating everyone with respect.  After his retirement, many former students still contacted him for advice.  Ivar was also well respected in the wider community for his commitment to helping others. 

Ivar passed away in a highway accident in 2017 and is survived by his wife and 3 of his children.  His family and CMTN Foundation are honouring his legacy by providing this award in his name. 


To be eligible a student must:

  • Be Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee, and BC resident;
  • Be enrolled full-time in any Trades program. Preference for student selection will be:
    1. Carpentry Foundation
    2. Carpentry Apprenticeship
    3. Other Trades
  • Receive instructor recommendation;
  • Demonstrate financial need;
  • Submit a letter about how the award will help with their education.


General Award Application - Printable Version [PDF]

Campus locations:

  • Terrace
  • Smithers
  • Regional
  • Prince Rupert
  • Hazelton
  • Haida Gwaii

Funding source

  • CMTN - Foundation


February 15