Engineers and Geoscientists of BC Northern Branch Scholarship




The goal of this scholarship is to support the initiatives of the donors, the Engineers and Geoscientists of BC Northern Branch, and to promote the development of:

  • Engineers and Geoscientists in Indigenous communities
  • Engineers and Geoscientists in the rural and remote communities of Northwest BC
  • Female Engineers and Geoscientists
  • The first year Engineering transfer program at CMTN


To be eligible a student must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee, and BC resident;
  • Be registered in the University Credit program at CMTN;
  • Submit a one-page letter detailing your background, why and where you are going into engineering/geoscience and how you intend to bring these skills back to Northwest BC;
  • Enrol in an engineering or geoscience program the following fall semester. Students enroling at post-secondary institutions other than CMTN will need to submit proof of enrolment in fall to redeem.

Additional criteria are below and listed in order of importance. A student does not need to meet all of the following criteria to be selected.

  1. The student has completed their first/second year science/math/or engineering courses at CMTN and has been accepted into an engineering or geoscience program at another accredited Institution. Preference will be given to students in an engineering program.
  2. Preference will be given to Indigenous students.
  3. Preference will be given to students from Northwest communities.
  4. Preference will be given to female students.
  5. Preference will be given to students planning to return and practice in the Northwest.


General Award Application - Printable Version [PDF]

Campus locations:

  • Terrace
  • Smithers
  • Regional
  • Prince Rupert
  • Hazelton
  • Haida Gwaii

Funding source

  • CMTN - Foundation


May 1