Coastal GasLink Legacy Bursary




The Coastal GasLink Pipeline will create thousands of jobs over the course of its construction. Northwest BC communities made it clear that they wanted Coastal GasLink to invest in transferable skills across the North so that local and Indigenous communities can benefit from this major project. Coastal GasLink recognizes that building the capacity of individuals along pipeline routes is essential to maximizing local benefits and building better projects and as result, have invested in hundreds of Trades bursaries at Coast Mountain College (CMTN) since 2014 through the TransCanada CMTN Pathway to Pipeline Readiness Skills Fund. Coastal GasLink has also committed to leaving a legacy – long after the pipelines are in the ground and natural gas begins to flow – and investing in education is an essential part of that legacy. The Coastal GasLink Legacy Bursary will be awarded on an annual basis to a CMTN student in a skilled Trades program who demonstrates financial need.


To be eligible a student must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee, and BC resident;
  • Be registered in a Trades program;
  • Demonstrate financial need.


General Award Application - Printable Version [PDF]

Campus locations:

  • Terrace
  • Smithers
  • Regional
  • Prince Rupert
  • Hazelton
  • Haida Gwaii

Funding source

  • CMTN - Foundation


February 15