BBA Engineering Bursary




BBA’s social impact plan reflects our culture and our commitment to serve as a catalyst for change—for our planet, for our people and for future generations. The three pillars, Environment, Diversity and Education, guide our philanthropic investments on a local and national scale and with Indigenous communities whose values and formative approaches we share, especially that of reconciliation.

The annual BBA Engineering Bursary will be awarded to qualified Indigenous students enrolled in the CMTN First Year Engineering Program or University Credit program, with preference to credits toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Environmental.


To be eligible a student must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or refugee, and BC resident;
  • Identify as Indigenous;
  • Be enrolled full-time (60% course load min) in a University Credit program, with preference for a student in 1st year Engineering or taking courses towards a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Environmental Studies.
  • Demonstrate financial need.

General Award Application - Printable Version [PDF]

Campus locations:

  • Haida Gwaii
  • Hazelton
  • Prince Rupert
  • Regional
  • Smithers
  • Terrace

Funding source

  • CMTN - Foundation


October 1 (Extended to Feb 15)